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Why It Is Important To Understand Cultural Influences In Family Relationships

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Relationships are complex and can be difficult to navigate even without factoring in different cultural influences in family relationships. Conflicts often arise in marriages or other family relationships that may cause the parties involved to view each other as selfish or uncaring at times. However, these conflicts may simply be the result of cultural influences, and understanding them can help you to have a healthier relationship.

Cultural influences in new relationships

At the beginning of a new relationship, you may barely notice cultural differences, which may lead to issues as the relationship progresses. Getting caught up in the excitement of a new romance makes it especially easy to overlook cultural influences. It is best to avoid this by having an honest discussion with the other person about differences that appear minor now but may cause strife later.

Cultural influences in language

What may be the normal way to speak to someone in one culture may appear entirely different in another. For instance, it may be perfectly acceptable to speak loudly to one another in everyday conversation in one culture, whereas in another culture speaking loudly would seem offensive and argumentative. Understanding these unique cultural differences can spare you a lot of friction in your relationships with those who grew up in other cultures. 

Cultural influences in food

Cultural differences involving food may seem like the least important, but many people are passionate about the food traditions they grew up with. This can lead to conflicts regarding which is the right way to eat, grocery shop, etc., and is best addressed before conflict arises.  If you were raised on a diet of meat and potatoes, your significant other may have difficulty adjusting to a diet that consists of lots of meat and little greens.

Cultural influences in traditions

Traditions can vary widely between cultures and are not likely to be forgotten. It is best to discuss which traditions you want to keep and which you are willing to compromise on in a relationship, especially in a dating or marriage union. For instance, couples may need to decide which holiday traditions they want to continue or come to an agreement on going to one family holiday one year and the other the next.

It is easy to overlook cultural influences in relationships or not view them as important. However, taking the time to learn about and understand the cultural differences your loved one grew up with is one way to show them you care. Developing an understanding can open the doorway to a better relationship and less conflict. 
