Have You Recently Lost Your Husband?
If your husband died recently, you probably feel like you've not only lost your sweetheart, but you've lost your very best friend. Perhaps you go into his closet just to hold his shirts and try to get the scent that remains on them. It might even be difficult for you to sleep, as he is no longer by your side. You may be wishing that you could have gone to heaven right along with him. If your grief seems unbearable, from things you can do by yourself to joining a grief support group, here are some ideas that might help you to go forward without your husband.
By Yourself - You have probably heard that writing things down in many situations is helpful for the soul. It might help if you would do just that as you grieve for your husband. For example, consider writing your husband a letter. Obviously you can't mail it to heaven, but you can still imagine your husband reading your letter. In the letter, think about writing down the things you miss about him, the activities you did with him that are now cherished memories. If there is an unfinished matter that you didn't get to resolve before his death, write to him about that, too. For example, you might have had a fight and you didn't get to patch things up before he died. If so, tell him in the letter how sorry you are. In other words, just unload your feelings, as though you were actually talking to your husband.
With Others - Have you considered joining a grief support group? Think about talking to your ecclesiastic leader to see if your church offers a service like that. If not, he or she will more than likely be able to refer you to somebody who can help. Being part of a grief support group will probably help you feel like you are not alone, as you'll be in the company of others who are going through similar experiences. The grief support group leader will more than likely have had tremendous loss in his or her own life, too. It may even be that your grief support group leader is a family counselor who has the training to help you get through your sorrow. Be ready to listen to other's experiences. You might find that you are a help to them as they go through a difficult time.